Cycling My 17Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2014
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Hello everyone. :)

I dont understand how you're supposed to get ammonia, nitrite and nitrate into a tank?

If i took some gravel out of my goldfish tank and put it into my new tank will it add some ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? 

i will cut some of the sponge in the filter for some bacteria to get into my tank but im not too certain how im supposed to get the other things into the tank.

Does water bring any of those to the tank as well?
Assuming you are fishless cycling, you have to add bottled household ammonia. This will cause a bacteria to grow (and using the bacteria from your goldfish tank will kickstart the process) which will eat the ammonia, and release nitrite.
This will cause a different bacteria to grow (and you will have these bacteria in your goldfish tank too) which will eat the nitrite, and release nitrate.
You will control the nitrate with your weekly water changes.
PS. Not all household ammonia is suitable. I used the stuff from Homebase (white bottle, orange label, in the household cleaning section), whilst others have ordered Kleenoff from Amazon. If you get the Homebase one, shake it first, then open the bottle, hold your nose and look in to the bottle. If there are stll lots of bubbles on the liquid, replace the cap, put the bottle back on the shelf, and walk out. If there are no bubbles, replace the cap, and buy the bottle.
I'll leave it up to you as to when you release the grip on your nose ;)

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