Cycling & Critters


New Member
Jun 4, 2012
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I am still in the process of fishless cycling my 2 x 1 x 1 foot tank, which is taking its sweet time due to me having to use fish food to get my ammonia up

Despite having soaked my rocks in hot water for several days, and rinsing off my plants (rather apathetically lol) I have a multitude of critters that are in my tank enjoying all the free food
Ironically the lack of light and the algae in my tank has killed off the grass, so I only have some anubus growing on the driftwood

So far I have seen:
2 pond snails (eating off the surface of the water during blackout) NB I think these are the tadpole snails
1 small leech (after googling, found out it only eats snails. I pulled it out but there's probably more in there)
3 very large (about 20cm) red worms in sand (btw anyone know what these are?)
Countless nematodes and other small critters...

Amusing me while I wait for my tank to cycle :D

When the tank is ready, I am going to have 8 khuli loaches, 7 zebra danios, and a bristlenose catfish :D

The wait is painfull isnt it :lol:
I'm not sure if you're aware, but danios, whilst being small, are very active fish and actually need tanks of 100litres+. Some neons etc would be more appropriate.
I am actually fairly close to being cycled, but unfortunately with builders renovating our bathroom, the power has to go off most mornings, so I don't want to get fish until they are done

With the zebra danios, I was under the impression that as I have a tank sized pretty much a 20 gallon long, I would be able to have them? If not, perhaps I will have to get some rummynose tetras. I don't want neons tho...
If you don't like neons, black or red phantoms are a good alternative and would do well in that size tank.

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