Cycling Advice Needed


Fish Fanatic
Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
Benfleet, UK
Hi Everyone,

So based on the advice I got from helpful members on this site. I've got my API test kit and carried out 25% water changes in my tank every day then every 2 days. (just briefly the background: I had a tank for 2 months with plants and running filter however I didn't know that I had to add ammonia to start the cycle so when I got my fish I had to start a fish in cycle. 100L tank; 2 sailfin mollies, 4 mollies, 2 swordtail and a dozen or so molly babies which came around a day after we got the fish. Fish started behaving strangely: hiding and gasping for air - this is the point I started asking for advice)
I have been testing for about a week or so:
- PH constant at 7.6 (tested tapwater as well results the same)
- Ammonia was at 0.5 then 2 days later 0.25, 2 days later between 0 and 0.25 and now it looks we are either at 0 or just very slightly over. The colour is quite difficult to tell and the only scale available is 0, 0.25, 0.5 and so own.
- Nitrite was 0 all week
- Nitrate was 10 to start with, 2 days later 5 which remained the same for the rest of the week. Tested the tap water today and it showed 5.

My questions as follows:
- Shouldn't the nitrite levels be increasing as the ammonia goes down?
- Given that the tap water is measuring at 5 it's unlikely that I would be able to get it down to 0. Is it ok to have 5 for nitrate or shall I buy some products that reduces it to zero?
- Is the ph at 7.6 is at an acceptable level?
- Provided that I get the ammonia to 0 (and nitrite as well of course) how long do I need to keep it at that level before I can buy the next batch of fish?

By the way I'm really pleased as all the hard work of testing and waterchanging paid off - my fish seem to be in a really good spirit again - no hiding and happily swim around, they come to see me when I go up to the tank to check on them

Thanks for all the advice in advance.
The nitrite should be increasing, yes, but it's quite common with fish-in cycles not to see it as the bacteria seem to grow at different rates with fish-in and fishless cycles.

Nitrate is fine at anything up to 40/60ppm, unless you have very sensitive fish, like discus or blue rams, although lower is better. Try and keep it at 20/25ppm with regular, weekly water changes

A pH of 7.6 is fine for most fish, including the ones you have; most livebearers prefer harder, alkaline water anyway.

When you've had zero results for both ammonia and nitrite for a week, without needing to do any water changes, you can add your next lot of fish; but no more than 50% of the amount you have now, so as not to put too much load on your bacteria, until they've multiplied enough to cope with the extra waste.
Brilliant! Thanks very much for the info - you always give really good advice! :)
Yes I realised that the amount of fish we got first time around was a bit too much. We went by the advice from the shop (recommended between 5-10) and once I joined this site I learnt that it really should have been about 3-5. I will make sure next time I buy I go for around that number.

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