Cube Aquarium Advice


New Member
Apr 7, 2014
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Hi everyone!
I recently purchased a Marineland 27 gallon cube aquarium from the local pet store that I work at because with the discounts and coupons combined, the deal was just too good to pass up. I've always been interested in starting my own aquarium, and would like to say I'm somewhat well educated on the topic of fish keeping, but I'm starting to second guess my decision now after reading multiple forums. I've noticed that most people who have this tank, or any cube tank for that matter, use it for plants or as a reef aquarium - not so much what I had intended to use it for. I just want a nice tropical tank, that's it! So my question to everyone is this - will a cube tank provide the proper environment for an assortment of tropical fish to thrive, or does the length really matter and make a big difference? That is my main concern now, as well as finding a filter to go along with it. I was looking at the AquaClear50. Any opinions or suggestions on that are also greatly appreciated!
There's nothing wrong with cube tanks, and you can certainly keep tropical fish in them (I have a small cube myself :) ). You just have to be a little careful with your choice of fish, as some (zebra danios are a good example) need a lot of length for swimming as they're so active.
If you post the dimensions of the tank, and whether your water is hard or soft, we can come up with some suggestions for you :)
That filter looks perfectly alright, although I'd suggest that you dump any cartridges and run it with media that doesn't need replacing.
Are you going to be doing a fishless cycle? (we all hope you're going to say 'yes' ;) )
I would also say that reading loads of stuff on the net always makes you go dolally after a while, you start doubting yourself...take things with a pinch of salt
That's why I like forums where I'm already a member so you get good advice that you can put your own spin on.
Good luck with your project, let us know how you get on :)
Thank you so much for the help!
The tank dimensions are 20" x 18" x 20". And I do plan on doing a fishless cycle, for sure. If work has taught me one thing, it's the importance of doing that! :) I've had the tank for about a week now, but haven't added anything to it yet as I've been paranoid that it won't suffice for the tropicals I wanted (a gourami, some tetras, dwarf rainbow fish, stuff like that!) Though I do like zebra danios, if I have to stay away from them I will survive. Any other fish you can recommend I stay away from?
There are far too many fish you'll need to steer clear of for me to be able to list them all!
Find out if your water's hard or soft and post back and we can make some suggestions :) And get your cycle started, as that can take six weeks or so, so the sooner you start the better!
The water where I live is considered "moderately" hard.

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