

Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2011
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Houston, Tx
I want to start selling my cichlid fry, but i dont really know what to put it as. what do you call a cross betwwen a kenyi x red zebra? or possibly kenyi x bumblebee?
if you know they're hybrid then get rid, if you suspect they may be hybrid i'd grow for a while and if they show any signs at all of being hybridised... get rid! Its not nice the 1st time but if its not done then there is the possibility of them further hybridising or someone unknowingly buying them as something they're not and the cycle continues! I would never knowingly pass on a fish that i knew was a definate hybrid.
I agree with eggo, with all of the mix breeds on the market now another is not needed. If you want to breed to distribute fry work with a breeding group of one species and get pure species to sell. If you suspect cross breeding in your tank, either let the fish spit the babies in the tank and let them become snacks, or keep them in your own tank.
i would not let them spit in the tank has there is a possibilty of a few surviving and breeding with your fish, i would strip the eggs and feed to my fish.

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