Crazy Ph Readings...

wow $10 an hour!! give me that job now (sarcasm)
Wow, that's rather incredible. I wonder if anything lives in it? You'd expect there not to be, but I wouldnt be surprised if there was some kind of mutant creature that does.
Wow, that's rather incredible. I wonder if anything lives in it? You'd expect there not to be, but I wouldnt be surprised if there was some kind of mutant creature that does.
Probably some armored tank of a fish. Or crustaceans.
Just saw a show on the Science Channel. They sent a submersible robot 29000 feet / 8839 meters down and there was life there. Pressure was 8000 pounds per square inch, 9144Kg per square cm. If my conversions to metric are correct. We refuse to change in the US.
I recall this from a documentary that showed some of the toughest jobs in the World.

Also on the list was moderator of a fish forum.
As with anything, it all depends how much effort you want to put in Zoddy ;) You could learn from some of the other mods ;) :rolleyes:
you've not seen our working conditions, I'm sat near an open furnace that needs constant filling with coal, just to power the modem.
Nevermind Springfield, this is where Blinky comes from!

It wouldn't surprise me if some fish lived there. Deep sea fish can withstand enormous pressure underwater that humans can't. Might be the case in this situation too
some bacteria might be able to survive in there, but I doubt any complex orgamism could develop in such conditions.
some bacteria might be able to survive in there, but I doubt any complex orgamism could develop in such conditions.
We have a lot of acid inside our digestive system... yet some organisms that are somewhat complex still can survive in there. o_O Worms to state one.

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