Couple Questions Here


New Member
Apr 24, 2013
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MrRager said:

This is an Eheim 350 canister impeller or whatever. I'm wondering if it's normal to have water and gunk trapped in that part above my finger. I'm assuming not, but how can I open it and clean it? I can't seem to figure out a way and don't want to break something.
Also should the spray bar be pointed across the top of a hex or straight down? Thanks.
I posted this in the wrong section a week or two ago and no one answered so I thought I'd post in the right area this time :)
Another question I also have is could I split that canister up between two tanks? It's way overpowered for just my 30 gallon and I think it could handle another but I'm not sure if it's advised or if I'm overlooking anything. Thanks.
Yes, it's normal. I clean out my impellers every few months so that it doesn't build up. It certainly can break. I just had the impeller on my skimmer pump go out from that because I was lazy and hadn't cleaned it for about 8 months. My fault.
As for the second question, I wouldn't recommend it.
The issue would be getting the pump to draw water out of both tanks and back in the tanks at the same rate.  The rate for each tank could be different which would be fine, but the rate of water leaving the tank going to the canister would have to be the same as the rate of water returning.
The only way you can use a single canister (that I'm aware of) on two tanks would be if one of those tanks were set up as a 'sump' for the other.
tcamos said:
Yes, it's normal. I clean out my impellers every few months so that it doesn't build up. It certainly can break. I just had the impeller on my skimmer pump go out from that because I was lazy and hadn't cleaned it for about 8 months. My fault.
How do you clean it out? I mean, I take my whole canister apart and the motor etc and just kind of scrub things down to remove the build up film or whatever but are you saying you can get that top part I described clean? If so I can't figure out how to open that compartment.
eaglesaquarium said:
As for the second question, I wouldn't recommend it.
The issue would be getting the pump to draw water out of both tanks and back in the tanks at the same rate.  The rate for each tank could be different which would be fine, but the rate of water leaving the tank going to the canister would have to be the same as the rate of water returning.
The only way you can use a single canister (that I'm aware of) on two tanks would be if one of those tanks were set up as a 'sump' for the other.
That's what I'm wondering because I don't know anything. I would have assumed that it would draw the same amount of water at the same speed since it's the same pump just split and release the same speed. It just seems like such a waste for me to go buy a whole new one given how big a tank this one could support. Obviously I can try this without any harm other than to my pocket book but I wanted to see if anyone could tell me anything about it so I didn't need to waste money if I don't need to.
1 part white vinegar, 1 part water in a container. Let the part soak over night. This dissolves most of whatever is there and makes it easy to scrub or move. This is especially important in a marine tank as coralline algae gets built up on things and the vinegar mix is strong enough to even dissolve it. It takes a light scrubbing and rinsing. This is also all natural and once rinsed off does nothing to harm the tank or its inhabitants.

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