Could I Put Any More Pygmy Corys In My 12 Gallon?


Fish Crazy
Jul 6, 2013
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I currently have a male betta and 8 pygmy corys in it.
I was wondering if I could increase the amount of corys without it being overstocked?
I'd say you could probably put in 2 more.  Some people are very picky with stocking but I'd say if you're tank is nice and clean now and your fish are happy two or 3 more wouldn't hurt, especially if you have good strong filtration and live plants.  
I agree, 2-3 more wouldn't hurt if the tank is healthy.
Thank you for the response.

I do have a well planted tank, and the filtration for this tank is very good from what others have said - it is the aqua one aquanano 40.

Hopefully the LFS has two more for me. At any rate I won't be getting them soon - I've sprained my ankle and getting around is pretty much an impossibility x(
So it is okay to have odd numbers of corys? They don't need to be paired up or anything?

Sorry if that is a noob question
Thank you!
You don't need to have odd or even numbers of Corries, but pairs are nice.  Females will generally have rounder bellies and be a bit larger.

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