

Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2012
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ok iv got a plec,but would like a few more bottom feeders,i really like the look of corys,but dont know a lot about em,what they eat,what there enviroment is so if anyone could give me some info id be thankful

fun lively active fish that feed on the bottom but swim at all levels.

keep in groups of at least 3 but better 5 or 6.

sinking pellets and bloodworm diet - they are not algae eaters.
I'd recommend you only keep them on a sand substrate. I know people can and do keep them on smooth gravel, but you never see them at their best and they're also prone to losing their barbels and getting infections.
It depends on what size your tank is as to what corys you can keep.
They are quite entertaining fish especially the albinos.
They need sinking wafers & bloodworms , mine seem to love shrimp pellets too.
They really need a sand substrate as they spend a lot of time head down sifting through it, gravel can damage their barbels
Sand or fine gravel is OK for corys. I use playsand, #1 gravel, and #3 gravel. It's the coarse, pebble-like gravel that you need to avoid.
thanks for all your replies,iv got a 4 ft tank,on the bottom iv got the gravel they sell in fish shops,u know the multy coloured stuff,would this be ok cos if not id have to look at something else,im after bottom feeders that live off the left over food.......any sugestions ????
What else do you have in your tank? That coarse gravel is not good for corydoras. As said it can damage their barbels and create infection. If you have that much food on the bottom of your tank, I'd suggest you feed a lot less to the fish you have.
i dont have a lot left over but theres bound to be some hits the floor
That colored gravel is not what you want to keep corys on. Corydoras will not live on food left over from other fish. They have dietary requirements of their own.

In addition to the substrate, there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration too. For example, what other fish do you have in there? What temperature do you keep the water at?

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