Corydora Tank Overstock?


Aug 16, 2012
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Setting up a 20 gallon long tank in a few days, primarily for Corydoras.  They are already in a regular 20 gallon, its more my girlfriends tank but I'm experimenting on the new one with live plants
Tank is 30x12x12 in dimensions, my current 20gallon tall has an AquaClear 30 filter in it thats been running for 1-2 months I'll transfer the media into possibly an Aquaclear 70 I have thats been empty for awhile.
Tank will be low tech live plants to add to water quality, Java Fern, Crypts, not sure on the rest yet
4 pepper corydora
3 albino corydora
2 orange laser corydora these were a resuce from the store down the road, its all they had ( store has a sale on, we will get 4 more at least so 6 orange laser )
6 black Kuhli loach
4 or 5 regular kuhli loach, I dont know how many are in that tank
So 13 cory, 10-11 kuhli and I really want to add a betta since I know they are fine with cory and kuhli and I want one to thrive, she has one in a 3 gallon hex with a heater but no filter ( I know )
I know pepper and albino do play together, if I can fit 2 more peppers I'll get them, but I think 15 cory and those kuhlis might be a little much

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