Cory Eggs By Post Question.


Fish Addict
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
North Staffs
Anyone ever send or receive cory eggs via post ?
Just asking as I would like to get a few more different corys, and Im set up for hatching them.
Plus, eggs would be cheaper that getting fish by post. :D
Would they survive the post  ?
Good question. I'd say : No they don't because the eggs need oxygin / flowing water. Otherwise than killifish. Those eggs will survive without that to my believe.
Not sure they would, as 24 hour delivery would make sure they dont spend too much time in the postal system etc.
Anyone got any eggs they wanna send me for a test :D
Try to keep your breath for 24 hours. (Pleas do not really !!!!)
Think fungusing isn't the only thing. To my believe the eggs are soft and the embryo in need of oxygin. I'd say impossible.
Eggs of Killifish are specially designed to survive a dry period, Corys mostly spawn when there is fresh / flowing / enough water.
Buttttttt I can be wrong.
Yes, they can be mailed.
I mailed habrosus and pygmaeus eggs to a friend overnight and he had no problems hatching them. Cory eggs do not generally need flowing water, fungusing can be prevented with meth blue.
And it is not a problem mailing eggs of many other types of fish besides killies and corys. Rainbowfish eggs are routinely mailed. I mailed pleco and loach eggs succesfully too.
Now, some goby eggs may be an exception, they do need a flow, but there may be a way around too.
So I AM wrong hahahaha. Great !!! No find some breeders which will send eggs. Killis I know about, but Corys???

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