Cory And Loach


Fish Fanatic
Jan 16, 2012
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Hi Guys

At the moment I have my loaches (8 zebra) in my 170 litre tank and my corys (6 sterba, 2 false bandit) in my 210 litre tank. All the fish are juvelines. I want to move my loaches over to the 210 litre tank as it has more suitable substrate. Does anyone keep loaches and corys together? All of my fish are extremely peaceful, but the loaches are quite a lot busier than the cory, I dont want them to get stressed. There are lots of plants and hiding spaces in the both tanks.

Usually mixing loaches and corydoras results in the catfish slowly starving to death, they get heavily outcompeted for food. However, larger Brochis and Megalechis (Hoplos) are far more feasible.
Usually mixing loaches and corydoras results in the catfish slowly starving to death, they get heavily outcompeted for food. However, larger Brochis and Megalechis (Hoplos) are far more feasible.
Thank you so much - that was my concern.
On the other hand I have 14 clown loach in the same tank as about 25 cories + hoplos. All are happy.
I'd disagree. I have 5 Yoyo loaches in a tank with probably 15 Cories and everyone plays nicely together.
Thanks guys - I think I will give it a try since my loaches are only slightly larger than the corys at the moment.

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