Cories For Peaceful Cichlid Tank?


Fish Herder
Sep 23, 2008
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I have heard that there are some cories such as panda, and peppered cories that are quite comfortable in hard water when introduced carefully. I would very much like to keep cories or a similar sandsifter in my cichlid tank.

Does anyone here keep cories with their cichlids? Or any other sand sifters that can help keep the sand moving?
Which cichlids are you thinking of adding Corydoras to?

Must admit that I don't think of Pandas being hard ward tolerant, Peppered yes; Bronze/Albino form yes; same goes for Emerald Brochis; Hoplo Catfish.
Ah. German blue rams are soft water ciclids. Im looking for something to go with old world cichlids, Africans. (german blues are new world fishies i believe. Great fish.)

Thanks though.

Which cichlids are you thinking of adding Corydoras to?

Must admit that I don't think of Pandas being hard ward tolerant, Peppered yes; Bronze/Albino form yes; same goes for Emerald Brochis; Hoplo Catfish.
I have p. Soulosi, rusty cichlids (iodotropheus sp) , and yellow tail acei. Some upside down catfish too (3).
Really bad idea, stick to Synodontis that come from the Rift Valley lakes, such as petricola; lucipinnis; multipunctata; njasse (only Malawi syno I think) etc.

At a long shot would there be any other sand sifters that would be suitable? Even invertebrates? (i guess most would be on the menu)

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