I have a 200L tank which shall be stocked as follows:
12 Firehead Tetras ------------- [Hemigrammus Bleheri]
10 Diamond Tetras ------------- [Moenkhausia Pittieri]
2 Banded Gouramis -------------- [Colisa/Trichogaster Fasciata]
1 S.A.E ------------------------ [Crossocheilus Siamensis]
4 Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids ------ [Apistogramma Cactuoides]
I have been informed that both options would be suitable but I can't decide which to get.
I would like to know:
#1 Which one shoals better?
#2 Are they likely to outcompete the tankmates for food?
#3 Which would look nicer?
#4 Are they aggressive/likely to get picked on?
#5 And if neither you think would fit, suggestions are welcome.
12 Firehead Tetras ------------- [Hemigrammus Bleheri]
10 Diamond Tetras ------------- [Moenkhausia Pittieri]
2 Banded Gouramis -------------- [Colisa/Trichogaster Fasciata]
1 S.A.E ------------------------ [Crossocheilus Siamensis]
4 Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids ------ [Apistogramma Cactuoides]
I have been informed that both options would be suitable but I can't decide which to get.
I would like to know:
#1 Which one shoals better?
#2 Are they likely to outcompete the tankmates for food?
#3 Which would look nicer?
#4 Are they aggressive/likely to get picked on?
#5 And if neither you think would fit, suggestions are welcome.