Concern Of Bacteria In Fish Tanks?


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Eastern USA
Hi there!
I've had coughs and bronchitis off and on ever since I got my big fish tank a few months ago (I've had some small betta/goldfish tanks for a while) and my mom is convinced that it's because I'm fighting off fish bacteria.  She's actually to the point where she's wanting me to get rid of the fish.  Do you agree?  Have you ever had any issues with your tank vs. your health?
Thanks for your input!
There are very, very few bacterial diseases you can catch from fish tanks; none of them related to coughs or bronchitis, and all very rare.
The 'commonest' disease caught from fish tanks is 'fish TB' (not really related to TB though), also called 'fish tank granuloma', which causes sores and ulcers, but that's also very rare; most doctors will never have seen a case.
Big tanks in enclosed spaces can raise humidity levels. This may or may not result in mold issues. So it may not be anything in the tank that could be causing problems, rather it may be the moisture it generates. Tanks also can raise the ambient room temperature. And warmer damp air may iteself be the issue.
That said, it could be from something totally unrelated to the tank.
To be honest, I think it is just "that time of year". Most people I know come down with coughs come December to the beginning of March where things then begin to look up again.

If you have are with large groups of people, changed schools/groups, have kids in school, etc etc... it just comes with the territory.
Sounds like your mom is just angling for a way to get rid of the tank. 

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