

New Member
Mar 18, 2011
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I want to know whether my rainbow shark would pose any problems to a cuckoo catfish (many-spotted catfish).

I have a 240L tank which is well planted and has many hiding spots on multi levels, I would really like one of these smaller catfish but am worried the rainbow shark would be aggressive towards his new tank make.
At the moment the shark is not yet fully grown at approx 3-4 inches and I have had no problems with him chasing and/or attacking his other tank mates. What I would like to know is if I could mix the two in my community tank and if it is too small or if it would be a bad idea because of the shark.
We need a better idea of what the "Cuckoo catfish (Many Spotted Catfish)" is before anyone can give any comment worth reading, common names can be horribly vague and overlap with several very different fish, whereas latin/scientific names are absolutely unique to one fish species.

To me, a Cuckoo Catfish is Synodontis multipunctata from Lake Tanganyika (one of the African Rift Valley lakes that are hard and alkaline), but you might be thinking of something completely different.

While Rainbow Sharks (E. frenatus) are geneally not considered as fiesty as Red Tail Sharks (L. bicolor), similar shaped and/or coloured fish are at risk of being attacked mercilessly. Both these shark minnows are rheophic, as in they love water current, so tankmates ought to be of a similar disposition.
The scientific name of the catfish I am thinking of is "Synodontis multipunctatus" to be mixed with my Albino Rainbow shark, scientific name "Epalzeorhynchos frenatum". Sorry I thought the two common names would help with the identification.

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