Hi All,
Not posted for a while as everything is good in my tank! I've recently started looking at some guppies and would possibly like some males in my tank, the obvious question is are they compatible with my current community stock?
Current stock;
9 x Rummynose Tetra
6 x Five Banded Barbs
2 x Gardineri Killifish (m&f)
6 x Sterbai Corydoras
2 x Ottos
2 x German Rams (m&f)
1 x BN Plecoo
2 x Ghost Shrimp
There are currently no issues in the tank, the Rams and the Killifish are great and there's no dominant fish in the tank. If male guppies are compatible what numbers are they best stocked in?
Not posted for a while as everything is good in my tank! I've recently started looking at some guppies and would possibly like some males in my tank, the obvious question is are they compatible with my current community stock?
Current stock;
9 x Rummynose Tetra
6 x Five Banded Barbs
2 x Gardineri Killifish (m&f)
6 x Sterbai Corydoras
2 x Ottos
2 x German Rams (m&f)
1 x BN Plecoo
2 x Ghost Shrimp
There are currently no issues in the tank, the Rams and the Killifish are great and there's no dominant fish in the tank. If male guppies are compatible what numbers are they best stocked in?