Community Tank


New Member
Oct 18, 2012
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I apologise in advance for a stocking question but here goes.

I have a 70l tank at 60 cm in length. The tank is moderately planted with gravel substrate.

I was thinking of this stocking:
1 dwarf gourami
8 copper rasbora
And something for the bottom level of the tank (any suggestions would be appreciated!

I was wondering if this would be ok for this tank?

Thanks for any replies!
Seems ok so far... Dwarf Gouramis have been known to die for next to no reason, so if you wanted something different a Honey gourami could prove to be slightly hardier, copper rasbora grow quite big sometimes, but I imagine the species that your LFS has are Harlequin Rasbora, [Trigonostigma Heteromorpha], which would be fine. As far as the bottom goes if you changed the substrate to sand you could probably get 5 Corydoras panda, or maybe 8 Corydoras Hastatus/Habrosus. So to summarise

1 x Honey/Dwarf Gourami
8 x Harlequin Rasbora
5 x Corydoras Panda OR 8 x Corydoras Hastatus/Habrosus

Have you got plants already or should I recommend you some?

TekFish :good:
I am not sure on the minimum size tank but Kuhli loaches might be an idea as they come from the same part of the world as the other fish.
I can't tell the difference at all between the harlequin or coppers. But in case they are the coppers is there anything else that could be kept in similar numbers and of similar size?

As for the sand, unless I can't find some black sand ill stick with the gravel. I'm a bit of a loser and am not so keen on the sand look :p

Thank you very much for the speedy response and advice, much appreciated!!
I wouldn't go for Kuhlis with a gravel substrate tbh - they like to bury in the sand a lot. As mentioned by Tekfish Corys prefer sand also.

If you can swap substrate I would do. The other nice thing about sand is its a doddle to keep clean...

Oh, and read up about dwarf gouramis before you commit - particular the issue with disease etc. I didn't and I wish I had. mine seem healthy at the moment but its a worry...


Danny B
I've heard this before about dwarfs being a bit vulnerable to disease. Is there any other "centrepiece" fish you could reccomend. Something with a bit of colour and life maybe :)

I try to do plenty of research but I just can't find the perfect setup. (I know I've limited myself with the tank size, but I dont have enough room for anything bigger unfortunately )

Thanks again!
Blue rams are very pretty fish but bear in mind they are very fussy when it comes to water quality and need very clean water so they are quite a lot of work.

Also they like their water hot - 28c or so, so again check the compatibility of other fish also.

There are other nice dwarf cichlids as well which you my like. The golden eye is nice. I used to have one.


Danny B
Most shops when refering to Copper Harlequins are referring to T. espei, not heteromorpha (harlequins). The coppers have an orange/gold band around the purple triangle and I always found they didnt get quite so large as the normal Harlequins. They look way better as well I think.

Personally, I would go for a pair of Honey Gouramis, I think at 70L you easily have room for two as they dont get quite so big as the dwarf gouramis, you can get either red or yellow or even one of each for the honey gouramis :)

For the bottom of the tank, how about shrimp? They come in every colour under the sun and make a great breeding project! They are fairly easy to breed and care for and most shops will take on shrimp for credit if you get too many.
You could also get an Apisto centerpiece if you wanted something like A.Cacatuoides or maybe A.Agasizzi?

TekFish :good:

P.S MBOU your sig made me lol :lol:

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