Community Sorority Tank, 11 Deaths In 4 Days :(


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
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I desperately need help with my tank. I have a 36 gallon community freshwater tank. My water has been tested twice with normal results. My heater is set at 78 degrees. Filters and air stone are on and working. Lighting is on a 12 hours timer. No new fish/plants have been introduced recently. Yet I have fish dying on my on a daily basis. I'm loosing my mind trying to find out why. Can anyone help? I've had my tank established since April of this year. I originally had 32 fish. I'm down to 21 now. :( posting a pic. Yes my water is tannined. That larger piece has been in there since August
What I have left are
Female Bettas
I'm afraid we can't really help unless you've tested the water (or had it tested) and post the numbers from those.
Nearly all fish 'diseases' and deaths turn out to be water quality related.
I'd save a bit of your water for testing (if you don't have you own test kits, most aquariums shops will test it for you; if you get them to do it write down the actual numbers; oftentimes they'll just say, "it's fine" or, " a bit high", which is of no use to us) and then do some large water changes; 50% a day for the next three or four days and see if things improve.
How much and how often do you normally change the water? And how do you maintain your filter?
Turns out it was textbook windex poisoning :( Its all been my fault. I had no idea. I stupidly relied on someone who told me it was safe to use on the outside of tanks. :( 19 fish still remain. Hoping they pull through. My poor tank
Ah, thats not good! 

I did consider using windex cleaning for the outside tank glass fairly recently but then decided not to just in case it affected the tank. 
Really am sorry for your losses 
If you spray a paper towel with Windex in another room and go to wipe the glass with it, it will be fine. Don't spray the bottle anywhere near the tank or droplets may find their way into the tank!
We don't have that in the uk but I've just looked it up and it contains mostly water but with isopropyl alcohol and 3% ammonia.
I would have thought you'd have to get an awful lot in the tank for it to make any difference to the water quality.
Thanks everyone. I wish shiny side up! Apparently the vapors are toxic. So any windex mist will .... Kill 13 of your 32 fish
If a bit of mist will kill fish protected by a layer of water I'm not sure I'd want to use it to clean anything in my house, it can't be too good for human's either.
In the same vein, I've always wondered about the wisdom of spray oven cleaners -- caustic soda in a spray! How long can you hold your breath?!
paradiddle, thats the first time i've seen tank safe window cleaner, looks like decent stuff but a little pricey but worth it for peace of mind really as you say.
I only use water and a micro fibre cloth, gotta be gentle when cleaning the glass as my threadfins don't like it, they huddle together in a tight school and go to the opposite end of the tank where I clean the glass! lol
Might be quicker to use that API cleaner you use.....
But anyway that does the trick for me!

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