Community Shark?


Mostly New Member
Jul 30, 2014
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I have had my community tank now for around 6 months with varied success. I lost a few fish recently due to a fungul infection which has now been cleared. I was looking for advice as to which sharks, if any, are suitable for a community (240l) tank? If not any alternatives or recommendations. I currently have neon's, x-ray tetra's, guppies, a black molly, a golden gourami, kribs,and a bristlenose plec
The only things that would be suitable are red tail shark or rainbow sharks and those aren't
They can get territorial with age, especially to the other bottom dwelling fish. HERE is more info on the red tail, and HERE is more on the rainbow.
Harlequin sharks reach 6" tops and are nowhere near as aggressive as rtbs etc
catfish4ever said:
Harlequin sharks reach 6" tops and are nowhere near as aggressive as rtbs etc
Not 100% sure that I agree with the latter part of that statement.
I can't think of any 'sharks' I would put in a community tank like yours, Bryan. A combination of aggression against your peaceful inhabitants and the size of your tank would lead me to steer clear of them...for now!
the_lock_man said:
Harlequin sharks reach 6" tops and are nowhere near as aggressive as rtbs etc

Not 100% sure that I agree with the latter part of that statement.
Well sources say they can be aggressive but in my experience it was a peaceful solitary fish
SAE and torpedo barb aka roseline or Puntius denisonii would both be fine.


Both do better in groups. They are both not aggressive towards other fish and both make great ways to get schooling fish to school. they are big enough to seem like a threat which makes them school but they never attack etc. so the schoolers don't hide in terror.
That's great, thanks for all the help and advice guys. I had been looking at SAE's as an alternative and they seem to have more benefits than problems or threats for obvious reasons. Any thoughts on how many roughly? I had also spotted a "leporinus fasciatus" in a book yeasterday. Should this be avoided for a community tank?
Redline Torpedo barbs need cooler water than your usual tropical temps, so maybe not those.
Purchased 3 SAE's at the weekend. They're smaller than my neon tetra's at the moment but I'm looking forward to watching them grow!!!!

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