Clove Oil


Fish Herder
Dec 12, 2011
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where in the uk can you get clove oil, how much is it and how do you use it? my baby leopard cory was found upside down stuck between the filter and glass ive no idea how long it had been there but the top part of his tail fin was missing, i know fins grow back but i think the shock has got to him as hes just too quiet and not moving even when another fish nudges him, i feel i might need some soon :sad:
plastic bag + brick/rock = quick and painless death.

Horribe but effective.
you can get clove oil at most pharmacies I think. I got mine in a pound shop and it was with other essential oils like eucaluptus etc so if you know somewhere that stocks essential oils in your area it's worth looking there.

Whilst the plastic bag/brick method is quick and painless I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Having said that though, I hope you can nurse the poorly cory back to health and clove oil or brick arn't needed :)
plastic bag + brick/rock = quick and painless death.

Horribe but effective.

i dont have the nerve, i couldnt even finish off a rat the cat brought home (evil thing it was too) i had to get a neighbour to do it :rolleyes: hence the wimpy way out of clove oil, its now laying on its side so a trip to the chemist is needed i think
ok so i came home from the chemist to find a shrimp on top of it and it was giving the odd struggle its a horrible sight so put him in a tub with a bit of water and added loads of oil how much is effective and how long do i leave him in there?
Oh, Tizer :rolleyes:

Never flush, even dead fish, down the bog; you never know what foreign diseases you might introduce into the native water system. not likely, I know, but potentially a problem.

The lethal dose for clove oil is 25 or 30 drops a litre, but I think it needs to be shaken up into an emulsion in a jar first. It should take a minute or two, that's all.
I have a 2 litre pepsi bottle, with the top cut off. I line it with a food bag and add a small amount of water and the poorly fish. I then have a 500ml bottle that I fill with water and add about 25 drops of oil. Put the lid on and shake it up really well. I then add the water/clove oil mixture. I add half the bottle first - the fish goes to sleep then I add the rest just to make sure. I then leave it for at least half an hour just to be sure it's gone to fishy heaven. I then tip most of the water down the drain, tie the top of the bag and put it in the outside bin - mostly because that stuff STINKS!

I've only had to do it twice and each time it's been effective, quick and peaceful :)

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