Close Enough To Cycled?


New Member
Mar 13, 2012
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My first post here was about the surprise "free" betta that was shipped with the one I bought. I had a 10 gal. cycled tank all ready for the expected fish but had to rush out to get a temporary home for the unexpected one. He has been stuck in a 1-gal. betta tank with daily 50% changes while I cycled a new 6.6 gal (25 L). I seeded with a bit of filter from my other tank and thought it would go quickly. Now, 78 days later (!!!) after a long stall which I learned here was due to dropping ph, I think it's about done. Ammonia and nitrite are dropping from 2 to 0 ppm in less than 24 hr I know I should wait until all this happens in 12 hrs but I just can't stand seeing that poor fish stuck in his little gallon of water any more. I am really tempted to buy plants and add the fish tomorrow. Would this be safe at this point since there will be only the 1 betta in the tank?

Thanks for any advice.
Thanks for the feedback. I just wanted a bit of reassurance from those more experienced. I'll stop for plants on the way home today, test, do a big change, and finally get this little guy into his new home. :rolleyes:
The worst that could happen is that you need to keep doing w/cs, I guess. Now we just need pictures ;)
He's in! It's so great watching him swim around and explore every little thing in his new home. Here are a couple pictures of the new tank and a close-up of Hokusai:


  • fishtank2-0812.jpg
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  • Hokusai-0812.jpg
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