Hello all, firstly I am very glad to be here and in need of some knowledge, please! Having kept tropical fish as a tweenager, my father also kept a pretty huge (it must have been a meter and a half long) tank filled with tropical fish, I loved visiting the goldfish bowl (Oxford) at weekends to pick out new plants and fish, anyway I now live with my partner in Manchester and he has been talking for a while about setting up a tank. I want to start him off this christmas! I don't want to be spending more than £100 on equipment so I know I'd be looking at a relatively small tank etc but was hoping you could help me out? I was looking at this tank : http
So I know I would need a heater as well. Other than that I am not really sure what else I'd need (apart from the obvious fish, plants, gravel etc) Would the filter it comes with be sufficient? How powerful a heater would I need? Thanks in advance for your help, looking forward to getting to know y'all

So I know I would need a heater as well. Other than that I am not really sure what else I'd need (apart from the obvious fish, plants, gravel etc) Would the filter it comes with be sufficient? How powerful a heater would I need? Thanks in advance for your help, looking forward to getting to know y'all