Cleaning Fishtank With Snails


New Member
Oct 6, 2013
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Hi, Im a noob to keeping a fishtank and for the past while I havnt been able to clean my fishtank because i have over hundreds of snails in my fish tank. Their eating my plants too. my plants are for the most part dead.
You can use assassin snails to get rid of the others if you like.
I believe I've read some people say to put something like a piece of lettuce in at night, and in the morning snails will be all over it and you can just take it out.
It won't seem like much but if you keep doing it then I imagine that'd help in significantly reducing their numbers.
If you have hundreds of snails, it's because they have something to feed on. Which means that your fish aren't eating all the food you are giving them.
Cut down on your feeding, and the snail population will decrease naturally. You can then finish them off with an assassin snail or two.
I use the cucumber/lettuce/zucchini method to great effect. A nice thick slice weighed down but a stainless steel fork over night and lots of snails wrangled all in one go!
If you really have a huge amount, you can do that once every day/night for 2 or 3 days and then reduce it to once a week/fortnight depending how fast your wee critters get busy! 
Desperately trying to get snails back in my tank or find snails that Rosy Barbs wont eat. Snails were keeping the sides of the tank, and more importantly my plant leaves clean and stopping them turning black and being shed.

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