Cleaner Crew (Shrimp)


New Member
May 8, 2013
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Hi. I'm new to the tropical world and was after a few tips on the 'cleaner crew'

I've had my tank set up long enough to start adding fish and shrimp etc etc.

I have 3 danio's, 2 long nose snails and 2 shrimp in the tank at the moment.

I noticed the shrimp had disappeared and couldn't find them after hours of looking.

I read that they often try to find cover when they molt as they're vulnerable, however before they disappeared noticed they were not moving as we'll as when first entered into the tank. Is this normal in the molting process or should I be wary that they may be dying?

Thanks for reading, all help appreciated.

MrK1 said:
I've had my tank set up long enough to start adding fish and shrimp etc etc.
Define this statement. Not trying to be a smartass, but what exactly does this mean?
Iv let the tank cycle for 2 weeks before adding any fish. Live plants were added after about 10 days.

I ran the filter, feeding small amounts of flakes once per day. I also used a product (stability) as advised from the aquatics centre for the first 7 days
Two weeks? Have you used any cycled media from another tank?Are you doing water tests?
I would assume that tank is not cycled it takes longer than 2 weeks specially with food flakes.
How are the fish doing?
Shrimp are picky, people say they are sensitive but in a year I never lost one.More by luck than knowledge.
I can tell you this from watching my shrimp when there's something wrong in the tank they are the first to show it.
They tend to hide when things are not to their liking.
Anyway which shrimp is it?
If your tank is not cycled you'll have to do a fish in cycle it involves more work but it can be done.
Have a look in the forum there are some threads about cycling your tank fishless and fish in.

P.s I would not trust those miracle cycling products around.most of the time they do more bad than good.
What they do is make you waste money on chemicals you do not need.
Thanks for that!

I will have a look and see what I can find out :)

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