Cichlids N Betta?

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Apr 27, 2012
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I have a 30gal tank that is fully cycled and is home to a Chinese algae and a male betta. My friend is moving she is taking her tank but wants me to take the fish. She has 2 southern cichlids wld they be ok
The Chinese algae eater is known to need a tank of 40 gallons So you don't really have the room for anything else in your tank.

What cichlids are they by the way?
I'm honestly not sure they aren't huge but they aren't small if that makes sense. I also didn't know the algae needed a 40gal tank :(
There are many different cichlids from African to south American which all vary in size and temperament. Some can be small and peaceful while others get huge and will eat anything that fits in their mouths.

40 gal was a the recommended tank size for a Chinese algae eater on a quick search online. Im sure I recall someone on here saying they get to a fair size. I think around 6-8 inches although 10-12 is possible
Yeah the chinese algae eaters apparently get aggressive when they get older, although my girlfriends never got aggressive, it shared a tank with two angels and tetras with no problems.
The algae is very young so it can be rehomed I'm just not sure what to about the cichlids she doesn't think they will survive the trip ;(. I'm not sure I'm up for another fish in cycle
Dwarf cichlids like rams and apistos would be okay. But most larger cichlids (even the more peaceful ones) will be too boisterous for betta fish.

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