Chinese Banded Loaches Part Two


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
County Down, Northern Ireland
Hi again Folks,

Well I finally transferred by Sinibotia Robusta Loaches to a 3ft tank for the mean time and out of the squalor of the 2ft I had them in.

I put lots of smooth rocks/stones in the bottom, gave them loads of places to hide, kept the U3 internal filter and added a 2200 LPH Powerhead to give them the current they like as they are used to fast to medium flow rivers.

They do seem much happier now.

There are normally a few darting in and around the rocks and caves I made but at night when the bedside lamp is on you see a flurry of activity, they seem to dance around each other in circles, dart from one side of the tank to the other. I've never seen any aggression although they do chase each other about. They do seem to like to be in bigger groups.

I was at my LFS again a few weeks back and saw a couple more of them in a top tank, so, not wanting to miss out on getting more of these I asked asking them to get me any that they see. There only looked to be a couple there and there were in fact 8 more. So, me being me I got them all. I doubt they'll be getting any more, the way I see it i'll probably loose a few to accidents, disease etc so why not get a little more than I need now rather than having no way of getting more.
Last week I bought a couple of hillstream loaches too, i'm not sure which species exactly they are but will update when I do.

This tank is just a temporary measure until I get the back bedroom done as i'm refitting it, insulating it etc. The intention is to have either two 5ft and one 4ft or the other way around going across one wall.
The loaches will have one more move but again to more spacious surroundings.

I'm happy enough at the moment with the tank but will be doing some tweaking of the lay out.
I'm going to get a longer flexible air curtain and weave it back and forth in amongst the smooth rocks to give plenty of O2 but also as I think it does look better.
I have one powerhead that had to be put on it's side under the U3 Filter which develops according to the Specs 2200lph. It feels like it's churning out quite a bit but I was wondering if a "Wave Maker" would be a better idea as the current seems to be not quite as much as I would have imagined. I was thinking of something like a 5-6000lph Wave Maker.
How do these work, would they be suitable for a Hillstream type set up?
Well, i happened again yesterday, another Kamikaze Robusta!!

I got home from work and went to feed my fish. I went to the open jam jar I had left beside the Loach tank as I put the food in tank water and distribute it using that. What do i find? a loach in the jam jar that literally only had a drop or two of water in it!! Now, to be fair i've noticed that, especially in the evening the loaches seem to gather and do a sort of circular dance in this corner of the tank, at the front of the aquarium. This one had managed to shoot past a small gap between the condensation tray and tank. It must have only just been big enough to squeeze itself past (at high speed).
I don't know how long it was in that jam jar but I put it back in immediately and it did swim away, albeit rather slowly (for these loaches).

I got up this morning and can't see it floating so hopefully, it will be fine, fingers crossed.
Time to sort out proper protection for escapee fish me thinks...

That loach should buy a lottery ticket, what were the odds of it finding that gap between the coindensation tray and the tank top, only to fall in that barely moist jam jar instead of dying ahorrible death on the floor?

I've sorted that gap too so hopefully there'll be no repeat occurences. Fingers crossed!! :rolleyes:

I got back home from work yesterday and I didn't have any disasters so hopefully the same will happen today.

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