Cherry Shrimp Temp

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Fish Crazy
Feb 26, 2012
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I've got an ich outbreak in one of my aquariums, which contains three cherry shrimp. I'd like to raise the temperature to 90 degrees to kill the free swimming parasites, but I don't know if the shrimp can stand this temperature, even for a few days. If I could get a prompt answer, that wuold be great. Thanks!
Cherry shrimp are pretty addaptable so you probably could get away with raising the temp gradually. But if they get too hot they will cook also keep in mind that higher water temp holds less oxygen so some added air socurce may be needed depending on other tank inhabitants numbers.

I guess when you say 90 degrees your talking in farienheit not cel. My cherry shrimp have survived summer temps in my tanks of 30+ degrees for around a week (no heater just the heat of our summers got the tank that warm), but I am not sure what 30 (33 I think was the max but it may have got as high as 35 :crazy: ) degrees cel would convert in farenheit

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