Mostly New Member
Hi, I'm sure most of my questions have been asked before but please forgive me, I'm new and I'm not navigating the forums so well!
Anyway, I'm looking into setting up a shrimp tank and after a little looking around I'm quite taken with cherry shrimps but I have a few questions which my internet searches don't seem to be answering so I figured you guys might be able to help
What's the minimum size tank you'd house them in? Ideally I'd like at least ten but nothing I've read gives any indication of both minimum tank size and how many shrimp to keep in it
Is there any way to prevent them from breeding? Nearly everything I've read gives tips on how to encourage them to breed and it seems they breed reasonably easily but I don't want to end up with loads of extra shrimps that I don't have room for, that's not really fair on the poor little shrimps
Is there any reason other than them hybridising not to keep the different colour morphs together? Lots of stuff I've read says not to keep different colours together because they'll hybridise, does this cause problems other than the offspring being "undesirable" colours? Or is there something I'm missing?
I think that's everything that was confusing me for the time being but I'll probably be back with more questions as I remember them
Ooh also, are there any general freshwater shrimp/crustacean/invert books that anyone can recommend? I don't have a lot of experience with freshwater stuff so it wouldn't hurt for me to have something to refer to
Thanks in advance
Anyway, I'm looking into setting up a shrimp tank and after a little looking around I'm quite taken with cherry shrimps but I have a few questions which my internet searches don't seem to be answering so I figured you guys might be able to help
What's the minimum size tank you'd house them in? Ideally I'd like at least ten but nothing I've read gives any indication of both minimum tank size and how many shrimp to keep in it
Is there any way to prevent them from breeding? Nearly everything I've read gives tips on how to encourage them to breed and it seems they breed reasonably easily but I don't want to end up with loads of extra shrimps that I don't have room for, that's not really fair on the poor little shrimps
Is there any reason other than them hybridising not to keep the different colour morphs together? Lots of stuff I've read says not to keep different colours together because they'll hybridise, does this cause problems other than the offspring being "undesirable" colours? Or is there something I'm missing?
I think that's everything that was confusing me for the time being but I'll probably be back with more questions as I remember them
Ooh also, are there any general freshwater shrimp/crustacean/invert books that anyone can recommend? I don't have a lot of experience with freshwater stuff so it wouldn't hurt for me to have something to refer to
Thanks in advance