Changing To Dirt Substrate ?


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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i've been thinking i want to change to a dirt substrate, being as my sand can get quite dirty and not very attractive at times, and my plants dont seem to be growing very much at all. i think it'd be best for my tank and plants with a dirt substrate, anyways my question is whats the cheapest form of dirt substrate, and my sand substrate is about 1-2 inch deep right now i will be getting rid of most of it but how deep should the layer of sand be that i place on top of the dirt ?

Thanks :)
I've seen various Youtube videos of this being done and some have used soil from their garden and some say use a proper compost- John Innes number 3, others use compost from their compost bin. This will of course be dependant on what you put into your compost bin and be dependant on whether you put any potentially harmful chemicals into your garden.
As I haven't used any of these methods I cannot comment on them but the top layer of substrate seems to be from an inch to two inch on any of the successful tanks I've seen done in this way.

I think a major isuue with this style is that people don't plant their tanks out enough prior to adding water then want to add more to it and the tank becomes very muddy. Filling the tank slowly will also be very helpful so as you don't disturb the substrate. Again, I've seen videos that cover the plants and substrate with a plastic sheet while filling which seems to work.
I think a major isuue with this style is that people don't plant their tanks out enough prior to adding water then want to add more to it and the tank becomes very muddy. Filling the tank slowly will also be very helpful so as you don't disturb the substrate.

filing with an airline or small bore tubing, or using a sieve help a lot.From what i've read, plan it right, plant it, then keep your hands out as much as possible.
Tinkering is definitely not the order of the day.
I also think you need to sieve the dirt/compost before adding & cap it.
I dirted my tank at the beginning of the year, never looked back :good: I am constantly trimming and re-planting plants now! :D
thanks people :) this whole dirt thing is starting to sound better and better, does it really make such a big difference to plant growth ? :) and i went through a phase where i liked to change my tank around a lot so i'll have to plant it all up and refrain from moving stuff around :p
All right

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