blackops Fishaholic Joined Jan 8, 2012 Messages 505 Reaction score 0 Oct 7, 2012 #1 my juwel rio 180 is now empty and i an looking for stocking ideas i am looking at some thing like this 2 keyhole cichilds 10 sterba cory 4 gbr 5 clown barbs 5 odessa barb 4 silver dollas jack
my juwel rio 180 is now empty and i an looking for stocking ideas i am looking at some thing like this 2 keyhole cichilds 10 sterba cory 4 gbr 5 clown barbs 5 odessa barb 4 silver dollas jack
dougie Fish Crazy Joined Mar 16, 2012 Messages 269 Reaction score 0 Location Birmingham, UK Oct 7, 2012 #2 I'd rule out the silver dollars. They do best in groups of 4+, the more the better, and get pretty big (5 to 6 inches). Thats a lot of fish in a 180. Everything else sounds good though. good luck with your tank
I'd rule out the silver dollars. They do best in groups of 4+, the more the better, and get pretty big (5 to 6 inches). Thats a lot of fish in a 180. Everything else sounds good though. good luck with your tank
OP OP blackops Fishaholic Joined Jan 8, 2012 Messages 505 Reaction score 0 Oct 7, 2012 #3 thanks for the advise any other ideas on stocking jack
OP OP blackops Fishaholic Joined Jan 8, 2012 Messages 505 Reaction score 0 Oct 8, 2012 #4 any other idears