Changing Residency?


Mostly New Member
Apr 10, 2014
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This may be a silly question. If it is, forgive me, I'm still learning!
I've always wondered about this. What does one do when they are moving (changing residency to another location) in regards to their aquarium? I know that the answer is probably something like, "put tank water in a bucket, put fish in bucket, and transport." But I guess my question pertains more to setting it up again at another location. You obviously can't keep your fish in a bucket forever while you wait for the tank to cycle again. So what do you do? Just take the water out and put it back in when you get there? 
I don't plan to move in the near future, but I *will* eventually move. So I was wondering how one should plan ahead for this sort of thing. Thanks for any input!
If you are moving cross country, I think you sell everything where you are, and buy all new once you get there.
If you are moving within an hour's drive.  the important bacteria resides in the filter media, so you have to keep this wet, in a bucket with the tank water.  More of the 'good' bacteria are on plants (live or fake) and decorations, so again you want these to be kept in tank water in a bucket as well.  Substrate also houses lots of the 'good stuff.'  The more you can keep the good bacteria alive, the easier the move will be. 
15 years ago, I moved from an apartment to a house I bought -- all of a mile away -- 1.6 kilometers, for you in the UK.  Not far at all.  It's a good thing it was close, as I didn't know all the above!  I only kept the FISH in tank water, lol.  I DID keep 80% of the tank water, but that isn't really critical.  I guess being so close, most of the stuff didn't have time to dry and die.  It was my small 68 litre tank (Hagen's Tropiquarium 68, which I still have), and it was a 3 hour job!  Stressful and worrisome and I was amazed everything survived.  The tough part?  My apartment was a third floor walk up!  Lugging all those plastic bottles of water down to the car, trudging back up to get the next batch, OMGOSH.  The house is a one level so that was easy.  As I recall, that was ALL we did regarding the move, that day!
I have NO idea what you do if you have a marine / reef set up.
I would say keep the bacteria and fish alive.
In a marine setup, you also put the live rocks and corals in totes and buckets
Thank you for your responses! 
I never intended to sell my equipment and fish if and when I did move from place to place. My question is more asking the best way to transition my fish from one place to another, even maybe over a large distance. I plan to move out of state within the next couple years and want to make it relatively easy for my fish. I plant to transport my gravel, plants, filter media, decorations, and fish all in tank water. But once I get to my new location do I just re set up with my equipment and hope my fish will be okay? 
Best way to transport fish is in bags and in styrofoam box with heat packs to retain heat of you're travelling long distances.
And yes, keep gravel in a bag with some tank water to keep bacteria moist, same with plants.
Filter media in a bag as well with tank water.
Don't bother with keeping tank water, does very little really.
Make sure tank is empty of everything including gravel and decor before moving the tank.
Set up tank with everything, you took out, fill tank with clean water set to temp and filter set up, once up and running and up to temp, acclimatise fish and add to tank accordingly.
Thats the easiest way i think would work. Obviously the less time the fish are in bags of water, the better.
If I set up again with my gravel, decorations, and equipment, will putting all new water in mean my tank will have to cycle again? Many of the fish I plan to have stocked by then are not so tolerant of "cycling" tanks. This is why I'm asking. Thank you for all the responses so far! 
Its basically like a very large water change, albeit in a new home and with different water possibly, be sure to dechlorinate the water when adding to tank.
No, it should not set your tank to cycle again, as long as you don't clean the gravel or filter and set up with the plants and decor etc don't add any new stocking though, stay with the same stocking you have already.
You may, however, have a mini cycle or a bloom but this should not last long and as long as bacteria is healthy, they will be back to normal numbers fairly quickly, less than a week at most really.
But do keep an eye on fish behaviour and look for any symptoms and test water parameters as the new water where you're moving to may be different to what they're used to, so acclimatise them fairly slowly to new water to be safe.
All very good points! Thank you so much 

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