Centrepiece Fish For Community Tank


Fish Herder
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
Staffordshire, UK
I would like to add a centrepiece fish to my community tank, but I really don't know what I can get. I was thinking of getting a pair of Bolivian rams, but it looks like they'd eat my shrimps. Is this correct (did some google searches)? I am now wondering if there is any 'bigger' fish that would not eat them.

Info you need to help me:

30 gallon
sand substrate
live plants
many hiding places
current stock: platies, guppies, corys, minnows, red cherry shrimp

I love it as it is, but would like to have one or two bigger 'wow' fish.

Thanks, looking forward to hearing your replies.
Bolivian rams are beautiful. I have a male and female in my 190 litre tank. They are extremely peaceful and their colours are just stunning. They tend to occupy the bottom of the tank under rocks, occasionally coming out to play.

In terms of a centre piece fish, have you though about pearl gouramis? I have two in my tank and they are truly stunning. And also very peaceful.
Maybe some scarlet badis? Other helpful info may be:
How many of each fish you have
What filter you have
What you keep the heater at
Your water change schedule
How long the tank has been set up
Was it cycled
If so fishless or fishin?
Bolivian rams are beautiful. I have a male and female in my 190 litre tank. They are extremely peaceful and their colours are just stunning. They tend to occupy the bottom of the tank under rocks, occasionally coming out to play.

In terms of a centre piece fish, have you though about pearl gouramis? I have two in my tank and they are truly stunning. And also very peaceful.

I second that opinion! Pearls are large, mostly peaceful, don't require a huge tank & stunning when happy enough to color up. They also roam all parts of the tank and never really bother any of the other fish. My male will chase the female sometimes but he never hurts her, more like he's practicing hunting.
I agree with The Duke. A pair of Pearl Gouramis is the easy choice. Good size, peaceful, and will occupy the mid-upper levels of the tank. The males color up really nice.
EDIT: I also agree with Ruskull.
I like the suggestions, especially pearl gouramis, but are they compatible with cherry shrimp? This is basically the thing I have to look out for. Otherwise I would have gone for the bolivian ram.

Other info as requested -

How many of each fish you have:
Platies two adults who just had seven living babies (but will probably give most away)
Guppies: two males (would like some more though as I love them)
Cory: one albino, the other died, but will get him a couple of friends later
Minnows: eight
Red cherry shrimps: 20

What filter you have:
Fluval 4 internal

What you keep the heater at:

Your water change schedule:
30% every Sunday

Haven't had the tank for long (don't remember exactly), it was used with a used filter. Bacteria was still in the filter and other mature filter media was added. It was fish-in cycled, but at that time only a few of those fish were in. Fully cycled now.

Hope that helps, really thankful for your advice and suggestions.
Hey Salam, very cool thread, may just lurk around a bit as im trying to make the same decision myself!
I'm either going to go for 2 or 3 pearl gouramis, or have you looked at congo tetras??
They are also pretty nice looking, although you would need at the very least 4 i imagine (as i was told at my lfs today when looking) as they are shoaling fish. Also not sure if they may eat your cherry shrimps? I am convinced i saw one suck up a whole algea eating shrimp which put me off them a bit, as i love my 4 guys, but the guy in the lfs assured me it couldnt have been possible. But im sure thats what a saw! lol.
Congo tetras also look nice, but it's not just the looks it's the peacefulness. I really don't want the shrimps to be eaten, my son is in love with them already.

May I just add - whatever suggestions I get, I am aware that my tank needs a little more maturity especially waiting for the plants to grow, so it is something I won't get straight away. I just like getting ideas in advance, researching and looking forward to getting new fish when the time comes.

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