Hey guys, since my new stocking I never actually finished stocking my tank. I've got a 45 gallon tall with this stocking:
7x snakeskin barbs
4x odessa barbs
5x black neon tetras
1x Bristlenose pleco
I know my odessa barb number is a little low and I plan on getting 3 more as soon as I can, but sadly my lfs burnt down about two and a half weeks ago.
So until they reopen, which should be soon as they were already in the process of moving into the building next door which luckly was untouched, I cant get any odessa barbs. But after my 3 more odessa barbs I should have room for a couple center piece fish! which I need help in deciding on. I was originally thinking a pair of angel fish but am hesitant because of two things. I have barbs which could possibly be nippy and it will take a while to find a true pair. Another thought was a pair of GBR's. I like the mean look to them as well as they are a truly stunning fish. And my Last idea was a knight goby. I've seen these little guys before and I love how the sit on a rock and just "guard" the tank. But I'm not sure that a knight goby will get along with my barbs. So anyone else have any suggestions?
7x snakeskin barbs
4x odessa barbs
5x black neon tetras
1x Bristlenose pleco
I know my odessa barb number is a little low and I plan on getting 3 more as soon as I can, but sadly my lfs burnt down about two and a half weeks ago.