Centerpiece Fish


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2012
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Hey guys, since my new stocking I never actually finished stocking my tank. I've got a 45 gallon tall with this stocking:
7x snakeskin barbs
4x odessa barbs
5x black neon tetras
1x Bristlenose pleco
I know my odessa barb number is a little low and I plan on getting 3 more as soon as I can, but sadly my lfs burnt down about two and a half weeks ago. 
So until they reopen, which should be soon as they were already in the process of moving into the building next door which luckly was untouched, I cant get any odessa barbs. But after my 3 more odessa barbs I should have room for a couple center piece fish! which I need help in deciding on. I was originally thinking a pair of angel fish but am hesitant because of two things. I have barbs which could possibly be nippy and it will take a while to find a true pair. Another thought was a pair of GBR's. I like the mean look to them as well as they are a truly stunning fish. And my Last idea was a knight goby. I've seen these little guys before and I love how the sit on a rock and just "guard" the tank. But I'm not sure that a knight goby will get along with my barbs. So anyone else have any suggestions?
I love gouramis! There is a wide range you could choose from. the pearl gourami is beautiful!
I've had a dwarf gouramis and an opalin gouramis before, I've seen pictures of pearl's before and I agree that they are quite beautiful. I like the look of killifish as well. The only problem is I'm not sure if my lfs will be able to order some in for me or not. :/ also I'd prefer a larger fish that grows to about 4" roughly. I think it would look better since all my other fish are 1-2". But thanks for the suggestions guys and keep them coming!
Anyone know about redtailed sharks? Id love one of those but I've heard some bad things about them bullying other fish at feeding time. But as far as fish go barbs are kinda bullies as well so I'm not sure if they would be suitable together? I think I've found my winner If so. Its a toss up between a Paradise gourami though. Or maybe a banded gourami. Ah this stuff is too difficult! 
I was going to suggest a paradise gourami. I just read though that they need to be with fish of similar size as they stake out a territory and bully tank mates out of it. But maybe that's good with barbs? Stunning fish though. I wanted to help you out so I was looking at different fish online. It is a tough one. The ones that I think are really cool, will fit in 45gl and at least 4 inches are either too timid for barbs or too aggressive. Good luck!
lol well thanks much for your help! I think I'm going to do a bit more research on the red tailed sharks. I wouldn't have to wait for my lfs to reopen if I would choose a RTS. As much as I hate buying fish from the local chain store, its better than nothing. I will do a little bit more searching and see if there are any more lfs close enough to me to take a venture out and about.
Paradise gourami's, although they can survive in temperatures up to 28 degrees, they are much happier at temps of around 20.
A Banded Gourami IMO would be much better for your tank.
Don't odessa barbs like cooler waters? That would rule out angels and especially blue rams...
Also I don't know if a red tailes shark would fit your tank, they should be housed in min. a 4ft tank as they are very active and they become quite aggressive when they grow up, and are considered community-safe with caution. Also they are known jumpers, so your aquarium should be covered to avoid any carpet-surfing.
Have you considered a pair of ellioti cichlids? You need loads of hiding places, as you need the female to hide should the male become too aggressive, and the tank is a bit on the verge of being too small, but you should be ok.
Otherwise you could go for bolivian rams, almost as nicely coloured as the blue rams, but much hardier and will be happy at those temperatures.
Other than some other cichlid of similar size (kribs for example, very entertaining), I agree with the others that a gourami would be your best choice.
Zante said:
Also I don't know if a red tailes shark would fit your tank, they should be housed in min. a 4ft tank as they are very active and they become quite aggressive when they grow up, and are considered community-safe with caution. Also they are known jumpers, so your aquarium should be covered to avoid any carpet-surfing.
From all the research that I've done I've seen that 3' is the minimum, and that not just from one site. Thats coming from 3-4 different sites. Maybe they are all wrong? Also I have a tight fitting lid already. 
The elliot chichlids are quite stunning. Would they get along with my tank mates alright though? Snakskins are pretty shy and timid for a barb. I love my snakeskins and they were a rare find around here so I don't want to be in danger of loosing them at all. Also from the little bit of research that I quickly did, ellioti's must be in a group of 4 or more? Is this true or will a pair be fine together?
Thanks for all the suggestions! Keep them rolling please! 
Ok I must admit that I really really want a pair of Ellioti Cichlids now..
  But I can't find them online ANYWHERE. Does any one know where I could find some? 
You should live in the UK, I have three I want to get rid of :D
But seriously, try contacting the American Cichlid Association, they will definitely help you.
Only 3? I have about 50, still in the UK though.
You should be able to find some, they're not that hard to breed, so the ACA may well be worth contacting, or check out the classifieds, there are probably some on offer.
I checked their website and they didn't have any listed 
I'll call and see if they are able to find me some. But first I'll check the classifieds. To be honest I never thought of that 

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