Hi there,
Haven't posted on here for a while as things seem to have been going swimmingly (excuse the pun) for a while with my tank. However, since my paired Bolivian Rams have spawned everything seems to have gone slightly chaotic in the tank!!
I have 3 Bolivian Rams in the tank (125 litre Fluval Roma), a Male and 2 Females. After a few months, the male chose his female and they have spawned. This is the second time this has happened (I kind of ruined it the first time, thinking I could save the babies and put them into a breeding trap, when in actual fact they were far too small to catch and I ended up getting half of them killed
) The first time, I didn't see much of a change, however this time they seem to be WAY more protective of the little fry and are causing behaviour changes in my other fish also.
My other female Bolivian has become very aggressive, she doesn't go near the breeding pair, and instead decides to take out her anger on my Angel, and any other fish that seems to get too close to her. At first I thought it was a territory thing as it seemed to happen more often in one spot of the tank, but now it seems to be wherever. Its causing a bit of distress to my Angel who is very greedy and likes to scour the bottom of the tank when I feed them, but can't as the non-breeding female keeps attacking her!
I have also in this time lost my female Apisto, who just before she passed seemed to have a large white mark on her one side, and became very lethargic, dying later that evening. I can only assume she got too close to the breeding pair, of which the male seems to be the attacker. The same marks are on my large Platy, although he doesn't seem fussed by them and still insists on trying to get closer to the pair and their fry (if he's not going to learn, I don't have much sympathy for him!).
Lastly, one of my Harlequin Rasbora's appears to have lost an eye! I don't think however, this is due to the breeding pair as my Rasbora's never go into that area, so how this has happened I am unsure. Also, one of my Sterbai Corydora has had a nasty injury to his back end, resulting in practically all of his tail being removed. It was very sore and red looking at first, I have done a couple of treatments of Melafix and it seems to have calmed. Will his tail grow back?
So my question is, what shall I do? I love my Bolivians and I am happy they feel comfortable enough to breed, but if this is to happen every time they do breed, I'm worried my tank will be a horrible place for my fish to live!
Any help is appreciated, but I would really rather not give up my Bolivians is I can help it. I don't know if introducing another female Bolivian will calm the non-breeding female down, or if she will just bully her also?!
Haven't posted on here for a while as things seem to have been going swimmingly (excuse the pun) for a while with my tank. However, since my paired Bolivian Rams have spawned everything seems to have gone slightly chaotic in the tank!!
I have 3 Bolivian Rams in the tank (125 litre Fluval Roma), a Male and 2 Females. After a few months, the male chose his female and they have spawned. This is the second time this has happened (I kind of ruined it the first time, thinking I could save the babies and put them into a breeding trap, when in actual fact they were far too small to catch and I ended up getting half of them killed

My other female Bolivian has become very aggressive, she doesn't go near the breeding pair, and instead decides to take out her anger on my Angel, and any other fish that seems to get too close to her. At first I thought it was a territory thing as it seemed to happen more often in one spot of the tank, but now it seems to be wherever. Its causing a bit of distress to my Angel who is very greedy and likes to scour the bottom of the tank when I feed them, but can't as the non-breeding female keeps attacking her!
I have also in this time lost my female Apisto, who just before she passed seemed to have a large white mark on her one side, and became very lethargic, dying later that evening. I can only assume she got too close to the breeding pair, of which the male seems to be the attacker. The same marks are on my large Platy, although he doesn't seem fussed by them and still insists on trying to get closer to the pair and their fry (if he's not going to learn, I don't have much sympathy for him!).
Lastly, one of my Harlequin Rasbora's appears to have lost an eye! I don't think however, this is due to the breeding pair as my Rasbora's never go into that area, so how this has happened I am unsure. Also, one of my Sterbai Corydora has had a nasty injury to his back end, resulting in practically all of his tail being removed. It was very sore and red looking at first, I have done a couple of treatments of Melafix and it seems to have calmed. Will his tail grow back?
So my question is, what shall I do? I love my Bolivians and I am happy they feel comfortable enough to breed, but if this is to happen every time they do breed, I'm worried my tank will be a horrible place for my fish to live!
Any help is appreciated, but I would really rather not give up my Bolivians is I can help it. I don't know if introducing another female Bolivian will calm the non-breeding female down, or if she will just bully her also?!