Cardinal Tetra With A White Saddle?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2014
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I can't get a good picture because Ive already moved him to another container.  Sadly, it's just a vase.  But he is lacking all coloration in a band that goes all the way around his body.  Looks like Neon Tetra Disease, but i was told that Cardinal Tetras are immune to that.   rying to figure out what to do and what meds to buy.   I ONLY have easy access to Petsmart and PetCo.  Everything else is a pretty long drive and we just got company in last night.
Does the white on the fish look fluffy like cotton wool or look bleached out.
It sounds like saddle back columnaris.
How many gallons is the tank please?
How many fish and which type?.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph?
As far as I know cardinal tetras are not prone to ntd.
For saddle back columnaris you will need Maracyn Plus, Tetracycline.
Turn temp them down.

The hospital tank should be heated to approx. 74 degrees. 76 and above is the ideal breeding temperature for columnaris. Though there is some dispute over lowering the temperature, my experience has been that 72 is too low for the medication to work rapidly, 76+ causes the disease to breed more rapidly than the anti-biotic can kill, and 74 is "just right." Remember to keep this temperature stable!
Text © Lauren Weeks 
These are pics I took after the fish died.  I'm wondering if I have to treat the whole tank or not. No fuzzy, just lack of color.  Water parameters are normal.  0 Nitrate, 0 Nitrite,  0.25 Ammonia (same as my tap water per API test)  We plan on moveing all fish to the new 125 as earl as tomorrow if possible.  Not sure if it's a good move or not. 20140523_162629(0)_resized.jpg20140523_162640_resized.jpg

I did add a new cardinal yesterday.  But all 7 were perectly normal last night when I went to bed.  I'm worried aout the rest of my stock.
I'm agreeing with wilder. That was definitely saddle back columnaris. That's pretty uncommon isn't it??? And if the other fish are not showing any symptoms, then there is no need to treat the tank...

And i am so sorry for your losses... :Rip:
I have a second one now.    His white patch is closer to the end of the tail.   Once again, no growth, no fuzzy patch.    Just a weird patch with no color on it.   This fish isn't acting sick yet, but since his color is off, I moved him. 
And Wilder, room temperature is 78 in this house.   South West Louisiana.  No way I can afford to keep the house at 74.  
Poor things.
It's not NTD as the red stripe area goes like that.
Looks for like columnaris if the fish are showing no parasites signs.
Columnaris can look like bleaching of the skin. Columnaris had many disguises.
Agree with Wilder. Columnaris is also called "false NTD".
I lost another one yesterday. And looks like a 4th is acting weird now. I went to the LFS and they sold me a bottle of Melafix (?) I think. It is in the other room. Smells like teatree oil almost. He said it would be gentler on my system than the antibiotics. I hope they are correct. Three guys all said the same thing. I am pretty sure this is my last foray with neons and cardinals. And I am praying noone else in the tank gets it.
Melafix is only good on cuts and wounds It just an external antiseptic lotion.. It will do nothing for a severe case of columnaris.
You need antibiotics.
The LFS I visited is 90 miles away.   The PetSmart here doesn't have antibiotics at all.   So, I'm crossing fingers and praying.   Not much else I can do.  I lost 3 cardinal tetras in 3 days, but didn't loose one yesterday and no one is showing signs of illness today. 
Thank you for the help and advise.
That distance means the other side of the country overhere !!! Keeping my fingers crossed !!

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