Canister Filter ?


Mostly New Member
Feb 4, 2014
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The sellers keep praising about Eheim Canister Filters as follows :

* No water changes required
* Crystal clear water
* No siphoning needed
* Maintains the biological balance

How true are these parameters ?
And also will it filter out the heavy wastes settled at the bottom of the tank ?
In my experience no canister or HOB filter can replace the need to periodically clean your tank gravel. The intake tube will not get all of the fish waste that settles in the gravel.
No water changes required = false
Crystal clear water = true, as long as the filter is sized correctly for the tank
No siphoning needed = false
Maintains the biological balance = assuming they are talking a cycled filter = true
A filter is a tool which, within its design limitations, will work only as well as the operator involved. This tool hosts bacteria, removes solids wastes from the water helps with cicrulation and usually oxygenation. But, like any tool, used improperly or not adequately maintained, it will fail. A vacuum cleaner is a wonderful thing until it fills up and you don't change the bag/empty it.
Because an aquarium is a closed system and limited in size, it can never be a self-sustaining ecosystem. What keeps our tanks clean and fish friendly is not which brands we use, or which of several methods we might choose to handle any given need. Rather, it is our actions in choosing adequate equipment and then doing regular tank maint. that keeps our aquariums healthy.
Never be fooled by miracle products or additives that claim to make the above unnecessary or trust the people who claim they can do so. Yes, better quality equipment or certain additives can be helpful, but they cannot replace things like rinsing media, vacuuming the bottom and changing water regularly. Good husbandry practices make for healthy aquariums.
I wholeheartedly agree.  There are important reasons for changing water and to date there is no filter or chemical that can replace the benefits of regular partial water changes if fish are present.
Agreed. I have only been keeping fish for four years, and I will admit that I have had periods where I neglected to clean my tanks like I should. And I can see the impact on the health of the fish! Regular partial waters changes while hoovering the gravel make a BIG difference in fish well being.
Thank you everybody....I got carried away with the product advertisements.
Just an fyi- Eheim makes high quality filters. I have several. The hype was not theirs, it was the store's.
TwoTankAmin said:
Just an fyi- Eheim makes high quality filters. I have several. The hype was not theirs, it was the store's.
Yes, I had suspected this too.  I have two Eheim Pro II canisters that have been running non-stop since I got them in 1996 and 1998 respectively.  They have never failed, they are silent...and one has the internal heating element (eliminating the need for hanging heaters) and the tank temperature has never varied from that set by more than 2 or 3 decimal points, meaning if set on 24.5 the temp may fluctuate between 24.3 to 24.7 and that is it.  Pretty good track record.

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