They are Bolivians which is why I couldn't tell what gender they are. Bolivians are hard to sex when fully grown and coloured up perfectly to anyone but experienced Ram keeper, if they were German Rams then they'd be easy peasy to sex but Bolivian's are difficult to sex when adult let alone baby... Here's a bit of info on them so that you can keep them right.
Common name: Bolivan, Red, Butterfly Ram
Scientific name: Microgeophagus altispinosa
Family: Cichlidae
Origin: South America, Brazil
Maximum size: 3.5"
Temperature: 74-79 F
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Care: Bolivian Rams are easier to care for and hardier then other rams. A slight change in ph or temperature will not harm this fish. They are a peaceful cichlid that do well in community tanks with fish such as; larger tetras, gourami, catfish, and danios. They enjoy tanks with pleanty of hiding places and rocks and leaves to spawn on. They have an average life span of 4 years and occupy the bottom and middle areas of the tank.
Feeding: Flake, brine shrimp, bloodworms, cichlid pellets
Sexing: Males and females are very similar in color and size. Males have a longer dorsal and caudual fin. Males are sometimes larger then females and display more color.
Breeding: Spawn on smooth stones and leaves. A female can lay up to 200 eggs but 50-75 eggs is average. Parents will clean and fan the eggs. Eggs hatch within 72 hours and fry should be fed vinegar eels as a first food.