Can You Sex My Rams Please?


New Member
Oct 1, 2012
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Here is 1...

And the other...
I'm not entirely sure... I think the first is Male and second Female but they are so pale and washed out it's actually hard to tell.
I'd go with the first being male and the second female but if I'm wrong someone can correct me.
I would maybe guess the first is female and the second is male going by that bit of colour on the first ones belly but like Paradise said they are so washed out its hard to tell. How long have you had them and what kind are they? They don't really look like happy bunnies.
See, I can't tell properly... I was going by the spines on the top one and the yellow but I'm bad enough with fully coloured up rams let alone really badly washed out ones :/
Had them a couple of days and they haven't changed colour. That's how they where. I've started to read that they like caves? Would that make them more comfortable?
Possibly, it's certainly worth a try. Any idea what breed they are? I could be mistaken but i think some are naturally quite pale, though not any ones i have ever encountered. What temperature is you water? Rams generally like it pretty warm.
If they are old enough, you should be able to tell by the breeding tube. The females will be squared off and the males pointed. On my Rams, its really obvious. Yours may be too young.
They are Bolivians which is why I couldn't tell what gender they are. Bolivians are hard to sex when fully grown and coloured up perfectly to anyone but experienced Ram keeper, if they were German Rams then they'd be easy peasy to sex but Bolivian's are difficult to sex when adult let alone baby... Here's a bit of info on them so that you can keep them right.

Common name: Bolivan, Red, Butterfly Ram

Scientific name: Microgeophagus altispinosa

Family: Cichlidae

Origin: South America, Brazil

Maximum size: 3.5"

Temperature: 74-79 F

Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons

Care: Bolivian Rams are easier to care for and hardier then other rams. A slight change in ph or temperature will not harm this fish. They are a peaceful cichlid that do well in community tanks with fish such as; larger tetras, gourami, catfish, and danios. They enjoy tanks with pleanty of hiding places and rocks and leaves to spawn on. They have an average life span of 4 years and occupy the bottom and middle areas of the tank.

Feeding: Flake, brine shrimp, bloodworms, cichlid pellets

Sexing: Males and females are very similar in color and size. Males have a longer dorsal and caudual fin. Males are sometimes larger then females and display more color.

Breeding: Spawn on smooth stones and leaves. A female can lay up to 200 eggs but 50-75 eggs is average. Parents will clean and fan the eggs. Eggs hatch within 72 hours and fry should be fed vinegar eels as a first food.
Bolivians were my first thought but I know there are quite a few different Rams, some of which are only marginally different, at least my first thought was right :) . Anyway, what kind of tank are they being kept in?
Yeah that was my next question because although these are a lot hardier than German Blues they are still sensitive to some things like PH. If it's too high their fins will just melt away and they'll die :/
They both look male to me. Look at the anal fin, easiest way to tell. Males have a square-ish, more angular fin, while females have longer, rounder fin. I'd guess they're both male, or the second is female possibly.
oh, i was looking more at the stomach area :) i dont know for sure about the second, but i think everyone agrees the first is male :p

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