Can These Species Mix With A Cockatoo Dwarf?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2012
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I was thinking about getting a single male Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid (or possibly a male/female pair) once my tank is mature enough, and was just wondering if this species would mix well with my planned species mix, which are:

Mountain Cloud Minnows (already own)
Black Skirt Tetras (already own)
Cherry barbs
African Dwarf Frogs
African Filter Shrimp/Zebra Loaches

I really need to know if they will get on with the frogs as I really want to get some of these, I know this Cichlid is good in a community setup with smaller fish but I cant seem to find any information about how they are with Dwarf frogs (or filter shrimp for that matter).
Size of the tank would maybe be a good thing to know :good:
Size of the tank would maybe be a good thing to know

Its a Juwel Rio 125 :)

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