Can Someone Please Id This Plant For Me


1 Woman Army ;)
Nov 20, 2011
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Hi, when I picked up my barbs yesterday, there was this huge bushy plant in their tank I liked the look of it and bought that one and the bunch in the next tank too. It's shooting up and growing really well. I have amazon swords and cabomba in the tank too.
Does anyone know what it is please?

It's the one in the background and the cuttings I had to make at the front on the right. 
Close up of the leaves.

It's water wisteria; sometimes called Indian fern, water sprite or Ceratopteris  :)
I put that in my tank thread! Omg I actually got it right! Just wanted conformation. Thanks a lot!
You're very welcome; it's nice to be right, isn't it?!
fluttermoth said:
You're very welcome; it's nice to be right, isn't it?!
Of course, especially when it doesn't happen very often :p
So I will just leave this plant as it is, it's growing really fast (almost out the top of the tank already) and my barbs love it. I am hoping to use the cuttings to line the back of the tank and hopefully it will grow big like the cabomba does!
Indian fern and wisteria are 2 different types arint they? although they look very similar 
I don't know. When I seen the leaves of Indian fern I wasn't sure if it was the same because on mine the leaves are a distinct shape and sort of curl. 
I am going to put some cuttings into my guppy tank. The fry will be able to hide in this for sure!
mike455555 said:
Indian fern and wisteria are 2 different types arint they? although they look very similar 
Yes; I think there might be three, or even four, different species in that family. You can pretty much treat them as interchangeable though; certainly most shops don't differentiate between them.
yes...i was right =]
 Indian Fern:
Ceratopteris cornuta
Family: Pteridaceae
Also known as:
[ Common ] Oak leaf water sprite
[ Scientific ] Pteris cornuta
Region: Pan Tropic

Ceratopteris thalictroides
Family: Pteridaceae
Also known as:
[ Common ] Sumatra Fern; Oriental water fern, Water sprite
[ Scientific ] Acostichum thalictroides
Region: Pan Tropic

Hygrophila difformis
Family: Acanthaceae
Also known as:
[ Scientific ] Ruellia triflora, Ruellia difformis
Region: India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysian Peninsula
Had to take away my 2 mins of being right didn't you :p So which one have I got? 

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