Can Play sand be used as a substraight

Final Dynazty

Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
New York
I had already had a 10 gallon set up but i want to upgrade to a 20 gallon. I figured sand might be something good and differnt at the same time. Bc in my 55 i have rocks set up as a sub and the food and waste falls in the crevices and rots. so i figure that wit sand it wont do that. the fish will kick the stuff arouind which will soon go into the filter. but now im havin doughts with the play sand. i feel as though the water can become brackish or diseased ridden. and if this works for my 20 im gonna do it for my 55. so can someone plz give me advice. :/
Yup, play sands fine - I've got it in my 20g and my fishies love it! Be aware, though - even though it says pre-washed on the bag, you still have to rinse it. (and rinse it, and rinse it...)

I actually just changed mine out a few days ago...feel free to look for my thread on it in Tropical chit chat if you want to know how I did it. :nod:
thanx i didnt wash it though i just put it in cuz it said washed. the water did turn cloudy but i put some de-clouderizer in it and it clear4ed up
I totally agree with cation here. I bought play sand for my 55g(so cheap, 8lb bag for like $3!) and it's looks nice, actually looks more natural than aquarium sand. Anways, the worst part about it is it's almost as cloudy as mud if you don't rinse it atleast 10 times. After that, it looks very nice.
Here's a picture of it in my 55g:
do u still think its all rite even though i put the stuff in to clear it up how would u wash it
wow yeah when i redue my 55 im guna do that thanx alot guys for helpin me out. i started settin this tank up yesterday should i wait till the day after tomorrow to put the fish in
how do you go about doin this cycling. ive had most of these fish for 3 years and usaly i wait a week then put the fish in there tank. so could u plz tell me how i would go about doin this then.
Oh boy, when ever you see a word underlined, it usually means it's a link. Read my post where i have Cycled underlined and click on it.
You don't need plants for cycling, but it's good to have plants for the fishes environment and security. Fake or alive its doesn't matter, but I would reccomend fake since it's way less up keep.
get a product called "aquaPLUS" and "cycle" i use these everytime i set up a new tank and i only have to wait a few days aquaPLus is a DeChlorinizer and Cycle is a Nitrifier, i usually test teh water 24 hours after i add the stuff and all the stuff is 0 thats needed to be, and i do weekly test to make sure and its still 0, it baffles me how long i've read some people wait for their tank to cycle :blink:
A couple of things FinalDynazty: I see in your signature that you have 2 iridescent sharks in a 55 gallon aquarium, with an assortment of other fish. That is a big no-no. Did you know that can grow too be longer than 2 feet long? My friend has 2 of them alone in a 120 gallon with a giant plec and they arent even full-grown ( one is a foot, one is a foot and a half). I hope you are planning to upgrade tank size soon, or to trade in tour sharks for something else. Oh and I also saw that you have just one neon tetra. That is a schooling fish; it needs 6 minimum to be happy.

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