Or if, like me, you want to acidify fairly hard water.
There's two types of systems - the biological ones, where you add sugar and yeast and it makes CO2, which is a good basic system for having a trial with it to see how it goes, and the systems based on pressurised CO2 canisters. The bit you plug into the wall is a controller to release the CO2, so you can control it at night - at night, plants give of co2, and you don't want the water to become to concentrated with co2 as it does the fish a mischief.
Are they any good? Well, I'm using a fluval pressurised system, and it's doing exactly what it's meant to, which is give a small steady dose of co2. It works as advertised. It's a well made system. The plants don't seem to mind it at all, but I don't have a huge amount of light in my tank, so the plants are never going to be mind blowing.