Can bettas breed with

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Highly doubtful. Mating behavior is quite different between the different subsections of the Betta genus, and that's not even saying anything about the biology of the matter.

B. splendens, B. mahachai, B. imbellis, and B. smaragdina can breed together quite readily.

B. coccina, B. brownorum, and a few others whose names I don't remember can breed together.

BUT B. splendens and B. brownorum can't breed together, even though they're both bubblenesters. One is the different mating behavior...B. brownorum is much more gentle, and is in fact a very shy fish. B. splendens doesn't even acknowledge B. brownorum as anything other than an enemy (I know...I've had both species in close proximity in separate tanks).
I LOVE Mahachai's... I would *die* to get a nice breeding pair. They're gorgeous. I wouldn't want to breed Mahachai's with Splenden's... but I guess its a personal choice -_-
Kiarra said:
B. splendens doesn't even acknowledge B. brownorum as anything other than an enemy (I know...I've had both species in close proximity in separate tanks).
You have B. brownorum???? o_o <insert frighteningly intense stare here>

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