Can Anyone Sex My Rams?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Just picked up four rams for my tank. they seem to be enjoying the planted tank and all of the caves. :)

I was wondering if anyone could tell if mine were male or female?

I was trying to tell but it is so hard, especially since some of them are so pale from being added to my tank.

I tried taking some pictures.




not really sure tbh but id say 1) male 2-4 female, but thats just me and im probably 100% wrong :D
number 2 which is the largest ram is always following number 4 around. They have been sticking together since late last night and I woke up and saw them still right next to each other in their little area. I am not sure if that makes a difference. I have four of them in my 90 gallon aquarium and was hoping I didn't have 4 males.

Do you think I will be fine with the 4 rams in my 90? if they are 1 male and 3 female?
1, 2 & 4 - Female.
3 - Male.

Better pictures would help though :lol:
That is what I thought from looking at them. I thought 1 2 and 4 were female and 3 was a male but he? is the ram who is still stressed and has stress bars and pale coloring. the rest all have much better color.
That is what I thought from looking at them. I thought 1 2 and 4 were female and 3 was a male but he? is the ram who is still stressed and has stress bars and pale coloring. the rest all have much better color.

Well easy way to do it, females have a slight pink hue to their bellies when happy and ready to mate, males don't. Females also have a blue sheen showing through on their black spot, males don't. Females have a black edge to their pelvic fins, males don't.
1, 2 & 4 are female and 3 is male so a good ratio until they establish a bonded pair then you will probably need to remove the remaining two females.
They way to tell, aside from the pink spot is the black spot... the males are not reflective and are truely black whereas the females have a slight blue sheen to the spot.
1, 2 & 4 are female and 3 is male so a good ratio until they establish a bonded pair then you will probably need to remove the remaining two females.
They way to tell, aside from the pink spot is the black spot... the males are not reflective and are truely black whereas the females have a slight blue sheen to the spot.

Exactly what I said :lol:
These are some newer pictures if these are better.







I am thinking 1 and 3 are definitely female as they both have been showing very pink bellies and have blue through the black dot.

Number 2 I am unsure of. No pink belly, pretty dark spot but I believe there may be a couple small specks of blue through the black.

And then I believe 4 is a male.

I numbered them differently in the second set of pictures, so they won't be the same numbers as the first set. :p
Same verdict for me. 1, 2 & 4 are females as all of them have black lining to their Pelvic fins :p
Number 3 looks male as no black lining but he does have some blue showing through in his black spot :/
I've always found female rams to be more aggressive than males :/

Maybe I've just been unlucky, but I've had a couple of females that were a little psychotic...
I've always found female rams to be more aggressive than males

Maybe I've just been unlucky, but I've had a couple of females that were a little psychotic...

I agree there, same with Kribs. The females tend to be the more aggressive ones in cichlids. Though I did have a psychotic male that killed his female :/
Right now I am seeing two of the rams always with each other, they swim side by side and follow each other around.

the other two stay pretty much by themselves and I haven't seen any real fighting, maybe a couple displays of aggression when it comes to their territories.

But they are so young so who knows. I may have to rehome some of the rams :p

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