The glass in my aquarium is starting to have brown algae growing, I tried to use the Tetra anti algae twice with no luck..
Now my aquarium is somewhat overstocked but not for long I will be buying my nephew an aquarium and giving him some of my fish in the near future.
This is my setup-
29G aquarium
2x swordtails
2x blue gouramis
5x blue neon tetras
2x glowlight tetras
2x black tetras
1x mystery snail
I also had 2 ghost shrimps that disappeared, i have not seen them in over a month and i had a 2nd mystery snail that died today.
My question is -
Can you recommend me a fish that wont get big (like the pleco) and will eat algae, a very active fish. My mystery snail is supposed to be doing the job but he isn't doing anything at all.
I need a fish that is available virtually in every store around.
my tank is fully cycled - 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and .5 nitrate, doing 20% water change every 1-2 weeks and a 50% water change once a month.
Now my aquarium is somewhat overstocked but not for long I will be buying my nephew an aquarium and giving him some of my fish in the near future.
This is my setup-
29G aquarium
2x swordtails
2x blue gouramis
5x blue neon tetras
2x glowlight tetras
2x black tetras
1x mystery snail
I also had 2 ghost shrimps that disappeared, i have not seen them in over a month and i had a 2nd mystery snail that died today.
My question is -
Can you recommend me a fish that wont get big (like the pleco) and will eat algae, a very active fish. My mystery snail is supposed to be doing the job but he isn't doing anything at all.
I need a fish that is available virtually in every store around.
my tank is fully cycled - 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and .5 nitrate, doing 20% water change every 1-2 weeks and a 50% water change once a month.