for the last 2-2 1/2 weeks I haven't seen my 3 year old female BN pleco out and about, but I could see her tail in the opening of the driftwood cave she hides in, so I thought nothing of it, then today when I have came back from work, she is finally out, but sitting in the corner with quite white a bloody gouge on her head, fins torn to shreads, and her left gill spikes appear to be stuck out. She is also not moving unless pushed with the net. Any ideas?
My water parameters are
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 50ppm ish
Temp 28.2
Tank is 300 is liters with the stocking as follows
6 sterbai Cory
2 bronze Cory
4 cardinal tetra
4 angel fish
20 ish rummynoses
1 female BN pleco
And 1 male peppermint BN pleco ( 1 year old)
My water parameters are
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 50ppm ish
Temp 28.2
Tank is 300 is liters with the stocking as follows
6 sterbai Cory
2 bronze Cory
4 cardinal tetra
4 angel fish
20 ish rummynoses
1 female BN pleco
And 1 male peppermint BN pleco ( 1 year old)