Fish Crazy
My community tank has turned into a Bristlenose breeding tank of late. I'm completely overrun with them. I broke down the office fish tank which had a small female in there and put her in my tank with my male, not realising quite how well they'd get along! A few months down the line:

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That's some of batch one. There's since been a second batch which are almost 2 weeks old. The first are nearly 6 weeks. I think there's around 80. I don't appear to have lost any.
I'm quite worried about the added load on the tank so I've been doing 25% water changes every other day and lots of syphoning. I use Seachem Prime but I've been dosing for the entire tank instead of just for the new water to be on the safe side. Is doing that every few days too much? Can it harm them? I've not had an ammonia or nitrite reading yet but something tells me as they get larger this may change!
Plus I've added a small internal power filter to aid with filtration and circulation.
Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to get these little guys through safely?
Plus mum and dad look to be getting friendly again! I plan to remove the female to prevent this from happening again. Is it safe to do this now or should I wait and see what happens? She looks plump that's all so I don't want to stress her out when full of eggs.
My community tank has turned into a Bristlenose breeding tank of late. I'm completely overrun with them. I broke down the office fish tank which had a small female in there and put her in my tank with my male, not realising quite how well they'd get along! A few months down the line:

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That's some of batch one. There's since been a second batch which are almost 2 weeks old. The first are nearly 6 weeks. I think there's around 80. I don't appear to have lost any.

I'm quite worried about the added load on the tank so I've been doing 25% water changes every other day and lots of syphoning. I use Seachem Prime but I've been dosing for the entire tank instead of just for the new water to be on the safe side. Is doing that every few days too much? Can it harm them? I've not had an ammonia or nitrite reading yet but something tells me as they get larger this may change!
Plus I've added a small internal power filter to aid with filtration and circulation.
Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to get these little guys through safely?
Plus mum and dad look to be getting friendly again! I plan to remove the female to prevent this from happening again. Is it safe to do this now or should I wait and see what happens? She looks plump that's all so I don't want to stress her out when full of eggs.