I keep my adults in the main tank which is 95L/20G. When a female is pregnant and I don't have fry in the fry tank which is 64L, I move the female to that tank when she's about 1-2 weeks along, this way she doesn't get stressed and can swim about happily. I find that they adapt really well and don't appear stressed. I have had many a female die in a breeding trap. Once she's had them I put her back into the main tank.
If you are going to do this, I would advise moving the female as early as possible once you know that she is pregnant. This will avoid her aborting the babies.
If I have fry in the fry tank I let the mum have the babies in the main tank and scoop them out with a plastic cup and put them in the fry tank. I keep my fry tank temp high at around 28 degrees, I feed them 3-4 times a day and do daily water changes of around 10% to keep the water clean. They grow very fast and I usually put them into the main tank at around 3 weeks old.
It's really up to you and whatever works for yourself. Just remember and keep the fry tank in tip top condition.