SeanTrollope Fish Addict Joined Aug 15, 2014 Messages 889 Reaction score 66 Location ZA Nov 6, 2014 #1 are they egglayers what is the difficalties of breeding them are they good breeders (dwaf puffers)
L Lillefishy Fish Addict Joined Jul 7, 2013 Messages 868 Reaction score 1 Nov 6, 2014 #2 There are very few reports of breeding them in aquariums but it has been done. This may help you http/
There are very few reports of breeding them in aquariums but it has been done. This may help you http/
OP OP SeanTrollope Fish Addict Joined Aug 15, 2014 Messages 889 Reaction score 66 Location ZA Nov 7, 2014 #3 thanks