Blood Parrot And Convicts


Mostly New Member
Jun 18, 2016
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I have a 240 litre tank with 2 x small blood parrots about 2-3 inches and a bn pleco. Lots rocks making up caves a couple of anubius plAnts and some root wood?

Can I add convict to this setup? Read differing opinions.

Or a sevrum?
Great choice! I always wanted a shark! You should be able to add the convic . Really just depends on the personality of your BP my one his name is Dbag well because he is one he's really aggressive so any new fish I want to is a 60/40 60 being he won't like them lol I've had success with barbs sevrum danios and another BP . Bit he definitely shows them who is boss for the first 45 min or so and he calms down and goes about his business... That's dbag. So yeah really depends on how aggressive or not aggressive your BP is. I have read that as they get bigger the more aggressive they can be but mine are juveniles and maturing.
Oh also I almost forgot if you get tankmates while your fish are juveniles you'll have more success in putting other fish with them.

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